About Board 33


Through your membership in the North Jersey Board of Approved Basketball Officials, Inc., you are a member of the International Association of Approved Basketball Officials, Inc. (IAABO) – the only organization of its kind in the world: a nonprofit service and professional organization managed by and for basketball referees. Founded in 1923, IAABO’s stated purposes are:

• To educate, train, develop, and provide continuous instruction for basketball officials.
• To promote the welfare of the game of basketball, its players and officials.
• To maintain the highest standard of basketball officiating.
• To encourage the spirit of fair play and sportsmanship.
• To have available at all times an adequate number of thoroughly trained and capable officials.
• To cooperate with all organizations officially connected with the game of basketball in furthering its interests and ideals.

NJSIAA Pregame Sportsmanship Anti-Bias Statement - Revised

Effective with the Winter 2021-22 season, the following statement from the NJSIAA must be read before all sanctioned high school games, regardless of level:

The NJSIAA requires officials to enforce all rules regarding unsportsmanlike conduct by coaches and players. There will be no tolerance for any negative behavior, such as taunting, trash-talking and verbal, written, or physical conduct related to race, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, or religion. Such behavior will result in being ejected from this event. All participants must respect the game, respect the officials, and respect their opponents.

2025 Banquet Announcement

Posted on Behalf of Bill Meyer, Board 33 Banquet Chairperson:

On March 26, 2025, IAABO Board 33 is hosting their annual banquet. This season the banquet will be held at The Fiesta located on Rt 17 in Wood-Ridge, NJ. The program will cover a number of award winners as well as recognizing members who participated in state and county games. The banquet will start at 6 PM with a cocktail hour and dinner. The cost is $70 per person which will include two drinks.

This year's keynote speaker is Felix Addeo, Executive Director for the International Association of Approved Basketball Officials (IAABO).

Felix Addeo

Felix has been a dedicated member of IAABO since 1973 and has played an active role at the international level since 1985. Over the years, he has served in various leadership capacities within both New Jersey Board 33 and IAABO’s Executive Committee, with a strong focus on financial management. A certified public accountant (CPA) in New Jersey, Felix built his career as a partner at PKF O’Connor Davies LLP.

On July 1, 2019, he was appointed Executive Director of the International Association of Approved Basketball Officials, continuing his commitment to the advancement of the officiating community.

Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Cocktail Hour – 6:00pm • Dinner – 7:00pm

The Fiesta
255 NJ-17 South
Wood-Ridge, NJ 07075

Register & Pay Online $70
(Save 15% - Payment after deadline / at the Door is $80!)

2025 Special Olympics Games


We are now actively seeking volunteers to officiate games for the Special Olympics of New Jersey Spring Festival of Sports. With the holidays now behind us and the season in full swing, maybe it's time to start thinking about what we can do to give back to the sport we love. Why not consider volunteering to officiate a few games for Special Olympics of New Jersey Spring Festival of Sports?

The SONJ season started strong on January 19th and will continue to run through March 9th, with games every Sunday at two locations, in Clifton and Old Bridge, from 9AM until around 1-2PM. Then on Saturday and Sunday, March 15th and 16th, they host the Regional Playoffs to select the teams which will participate in the Spring Festival Finals down in Wildwood the weekend of March 29th. With two courts at each site, you can see that it adds up to a lot of games, and a lot of whistles, if we are to pull it off successfully.

Board 33 continues to be the primary source of officials for all of the games for the North (Clifton) and East (Old Bridge) regions, while Boards 34 and 193 cover the South and Central Regions respectively. All in all, the IAABO boards from New Jersey cover hundreds of games, providing a safe and fair competition for the amazing athletes of SONJ. And you can be part of it.

To volunteer, all you have to do is pick dates and times that you are available on the registration form stating when you would like to work. The tentative schedule of games is shown on the registration form and gets updated weekly as the folks at SONJ plan the week's matchups.

Once you send in your availability, someone will reach out to confirm your slot(s). Then all you have to do is show up. Although it's not advisable, you can even just drop in some Sunday at either location and run a few games. We're easy!

These games are for the most part low key and slow paced. We try to run three person mechanics when we have the manpower, so nobody gets worn out. We do have a cadre of regulars who come every single week to work a bunch of games, but with almost 900 members in Board 33, we shouldn't have to rely on them every week.

So think about it. We guarantee that it will be a pleasant experience, one that will help make the day for some very special people and their guardians. One that may change the way you look at life and the game of basketball. We hope you choose to be on the SONJ courts soon.

Flopping Addressed in 2024-25 High School Basketball Rules Changes

A new definition and subsequent warning for faking being fouled (flopping) has been added to the NFHS Basketball Rules Book for the 2024-25 season.

This revision to high school basketball rules was one of 12 changes approved by the NFHS Basketball Rules Committee at its April 9-11 meeting in Indianapolis. All recommended changes were subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

“The committee approved changes addressing a variety of different areas,” said Lindsey Atkinson, NFHS Director of Sports. “Maintaining a focus on player safety, fairness, balance and rules that officials can effectively adjudicate continue to be the focus of the committee.”

 Faking being fouled is defined in Rule 4-49-1 as when a player simulates being fouled or makes theatrical or exaggerated movements when there is no illegal contact. Examples include, but are not limited to, embellishing the impact of incidental contact on block/charge plays or field goal attempts, using a “head bob” to simulate illegal contact and using any tactic to create an opinion of being fouled to gain an advantage.

The new language also establishes a procedure for officials to issue a team warning on the first instance of faking being fouled. The warning is recorded in the scorebook and reported to the head coach. Any additional instances will result in a team technical foul and not a player technical foul, which was previously the case.

“(The committee) is hoping to get those dishonest acts out of the game,” said Billy Strickland, the executive director of the Alaska School Activities Association and chair of the Basketball Rules Committee.

Upload Concussion Certificates

Instructions for Uploading Concussion Certificates:

If you have any issues or need help with any of the instructions below, please click here to send an e-mail for additional assistance.

  1. Complete the concussion course at NFHSLearn.com and save to your hard drive.
  2. Open the RefSec Concussion Certificate Portal using this link: RefSec
  3. Type in your e-mail address into the Directory Number or Email field and press [Send me my PIN].
  4. After clicking this button, check your e-mail for the PIN; it will be delivered within a few minutes.
  5. After receiving the PIN, type in the PIN number into the PIN field.
  6. Click the [Choose File] button. A pop-up window to choose files will open up.
  7. Find concussion certificate from step 1 and click the icon/filename for it in the window.
  8. Click the [OK] (Windows), or [Choose] (Mac) button. The pop-up window will go away.
  9. Click the [Upload File] button.
  10. Check your e-mail for a confirmation receipt.
